Variant Data Model
represent individual Product
SKUs within Nacelle. A grouping of similar Variants
creates a Product
. Variants
have a one-to-many relationship with Variant Content
which allows for greater flexibility in the context of internationalization and personalization.
More details for each object can be found within the schema introspection of the Storefront GraphQL API.
availableForSale: Boolean
[source] Specifies if the variant is available for sale.
compareAtPrice: Decimal
[source] The compare at price of the variant. This can be used to mark a variant as on sale.
content: [VariantContent]
[source] Localized content for the variant.
createdAt: Int
[source] The Unix timestamp in seconds when the variant was created.
indexedAt: Int
[sys] Timestamp of when Nacelle last indexed this entry.
metafields: [Metafield!]!
[source] List of metafields associated with the variant.
nacelleEntryId: ID!
[sys] The Nacelle ID of the entry.
price: Decimal
[source] The price of the variant.
priceCurrency: String
[source] The currency of the variant price.
priceRules: [PriceRule!]!
[source] List of pricing rules associated with the variant
productEntryId: ID
[sys] Reference to parent product by Nacelle ID.
productHandle: String
[sys] Reference to parent product by handle.
quantityAvailable: Int
[source] The total sellable quantity of the variant for online sales channels.
sku: String
[source] The SKU (stock keeping unit) associated with the variant.
sourceEntryId: ID!
[source] The ID for the product variant from its system of origin (i.e. Shopify).
sourceId: ID!
[source] The ID for the system of origin.
updatedAt: Int
[source] The Unix timestamp in seconds when the variant was last modified.
variantPosition: Int
[source] The variant sort position.
weight: Float
[source] The weight of the variant in the unit specified with weightUnit.
weightUnit: String
[source] The unit of measurement for weight.
Variant Content
createdAt: Int
[source] The Unix timestamp in seconds when the variant content was created.
description: String
[source] The description for a variant.
featuredMedia: Media
[source] The primary media for a variant.
fields: JSON
[source] Custom fields from a dynamic CMS source.
indexedAt: Int
[sys] Timestamp of when Nacelle last indexed this entry.
locale: String
[source] The locale of variant content to be presented. [IETF language tag] (ie. en-US)
media: [Media!]!
[source] List of media for a variant
metafields: [Metafield!]!
[source] List of metafields associated with the variant content.
nacelleEntryId: ID!
[sys] The Nacelle ID of the entry.
productEntryId: ID
[sys] Reference to parent product by Nacelle ID.
productHandle: String
[sys] Reference to parent product by handle.
published: Boolean
[source] Specifies if the variant content has been published.
selectedOptions: [SelectedOption!]!
[source] List of product options applied to the variant.
sourceEntryId: ID!
[source] The ID for the variant content from its system of origin (i.e. Shopify).
sourceId: ID!
[source] The ID for the system of origin.
swatchSrc: String
[source] Source url of variant swatch.
title: String
[source] The title for a variant.
updatedAt: Int
[source] The Unix timestamp in seconds when the variant content was last modified.
variantEntryId: ID
[sys] Reference to parent variant by Nacelle ID.
Updated over 1 year ago