Sanity Connector

The Sanity connector indexes content into Nacelle. The connector uses webhooks to ensure data in Nacelle is always up to date. Setting up the connector is a straightforward process that requires a few updates in the Sanity and Nacelle Dashboards.

Sanity setup

Let's start by getting the Sanity project ID by going to the Sanity dashboard and selecting the project.

Once you are in the desired Sanity project, the project ID will be displayed in the header at the top of the screen. Copy this for later.

Click on the “datasets" tab within the Sanity project. (note, you may have multiple). You will need the name of the desired dataset - in this case, “production” - that Nacelle will ingest, so take note of this name.

Private datasets and content previews

For ingestion of private datasets or content previews, you can create an access token and provide it to Nacelle.

In the Sanity project settings, go to the API tab. Click "Add API token", name the token as you'd like, and leave the default "Viewer" permission. Save and copy the generated API token, as you'll need to provide it to Nacelle in the next steps.

Nacelle's setup

Now that your Sanity project is setup, head over to the Nacelle Dashboard and log in.

In the sidebar, click the dropdown for "Space" and select the space to use (or create one). Then, click the top tab "Data Connectors".

Click the "Add Data Connectors" button, and select "Sanity" in the dropdown.

Enter the Sanity Project ID, the Sanity Dataset to ingest, and your Sanity project's Webhook Secret. If desired, include the Sanity API token, which will allow ingestion of draft content and private datasets.

Once you click Save, Nacelle will begin to ingest data from Sanity.

Configure Sanity Webhooks

We can set up Sanity to automatically sync with Nacelle when content is updated. We will set up two webhooks for each Nacelle space, one for create/update and one for delete.

Return to the desired project within Sanity. After opening the project, navigate to the API tab, and create a “GROQ-powered Webhook.”

  1. Name your Webhook
  2. Add the correct URL.
    1. For Create/Update, it should be
    2. For Delete, it should be
  3. Choose your data set from the drop-down (the same data set that was entered from your initial inputs)
  4. Select both CREATE and UPDATE, or DELETE from the trigger actions.
  5. Make sure the “enable webhook” box is checked.
  6. Add a header x-nacelle-space-id, with the value being your Nacelle space ID (located in the Nacelle sidebar)
  7. Add a header x-nacelle-source-id, with the value being your connector's Nacelle source ID. You can find this in the Space Settings, Data Connectors tab.
  8. Choose API version v2021-03-25 from the drop-down.
  9. Create a webhook secret. This is a merchant-created string that's entered into Sanity. It should be the same for both of your Nacelle webhooks. Note it for later as Nacelle will use it to verify the security of your data.
  10. Hit Save

Example fields to modify from default:

Finally, be sure to go to your Nacelle space, go to the Data Connector tab, and edit the Sanity connector settings to include the webhook secret from above.

Now when your content is changed, Nacelle will continually be updated!

Nacelle Sanity CMS plugin

We have made a Sanity plugin to make it easy to link products and collections to your custom Content types.


Linking product and content data within the CMS can add risk to your composable stack's data consistency. Avoid this with Nacelle's CMS pattern.

It is important to avoid the composable anti-pattern of daisy-chaining, which you can learn more about here:

By using the Nacelle Sanity plugin, you ensure best practices are followed, and daisy chaining is avoided.

Installation & Setup

In your Sanity codebase, install Peer Dependencies

npm i @sanity/ui styled-components

Install the plugin

sanity install @nacelle/sanity-plugin-nacelle-input


You'll need to provide the ID and Token associated with your Nacelle space. These credentials can be found in the Nacelle Dashboard.

Config file for single space


  "nacelleEndpoint": "your-nacelle-storefront-api-endpoint",
  "nacelleSpaceToken": "your-nacelle-graphql-token"


.env.development / .env.production


Adding Credentials to Multiple Spaces

Create a config file at


Then add a nacelleSpaces array:

"nacelleSpaces": [
    "spaceName": "Space 1",
    "nacelleEndpoint": "space-1's-nacelle-storefront-endpoint",
    "nacelleSpaceToken": "space-1's-nacelle-public-storefront-token"
    "spaceName": "Space 2",
    "nacelleEndpoint": "space-2's-nacelle-storefront-endpoint",
    "nacelleSpaceToken": "space-2's-nacelle-public-storefront-token"

Use in Schema Documents

Set the type field to nacelleReference to use the custom input component:

  name: 'reference',
  title: 'Reference',
  type: 'nacelleReference',


The custom input component default allows you to reference products or collections.

Realistically, you probably want to restrict the component to either products or collections. To do that, provide either ['products'] or ['collections'] to options.dataType:

// example: collections ONLY
  name: 'collectionReference',
  title: 'Collection',
  type: 'nacelleReference',
  options: {
    dataType: ['collections']
// example: products ONLY
  name: 'productReference',
  title: 'Product',
  type: 'nacelleReference',
  options: {
    dataType: ['products']

Data shape

The custom input component will store a reference object with the following format:

  type: 'NacelleReference',
  referenceType: 'PRODUCT', // PRODUCT or COLLECTION
  nacelledEntryId: '123455'
  handle: 'blue-shirt'
  locale: 'en-US'

Backward Compatibility with @nacelle/sanity-plugin-pim-linker

For projects using the legacy @nacelle/sanity-plugin-pim-linker for product/collection references, we provide a backward-compatible custom input called nacelleData. This input stores only the handle of a particular product or collection rather than a structured nacelleReference object.

Use in Schema Documents

Set the type field to nacelleData to use the custom input component:

  name: 'handle',
  title: 'Handle',
  type: 'nacelleData',

Data Shape

The backward-compatible custom input component will store only a reference handle.

  handle: 'blue-shirt'